Our Context

We believe that our societal challenges stem from well-documented, structural funding inequities among districts by racial comparison. For SLPS, this has commensurately produced profound inequities in accessing high-quality educational and socio-emotional resources due to lack of funding and focus.

We know that college- and career-readiness begins during pre-Kindergarten years. Early interventions are essential to post-secondary success. Research suggests that classroom-based Early Childhood Education (ECE) yield long-term benefits, including significant decreases in likelihood of special education placement, increased grade retention, and higher graduation rates (McCoy et al., 2017).

Nationally, only 68% of high school graduates immediately enroll in postsecondary institutions. Post-secondary education helps students to gain access to quality jobs, earn sustainable wages, feel a sense of economic security, and obtain career advancement opportunities (Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools).

PreK-8th Grade Literacy

Investments in Early Childhood Education (ECE) are essential to ensuring SLPS students and families are equipped with standards-based college and/or career-ready skills, exposures, and resources to successfully transition to and from the post-secondary destination of their choice.

  • PreK-8th grade literacy programming is currently being implemented across the District.

    Programming includes:

    • Early Childhood Education

    • Phonics-based Learning

    • ESOL

  • The 3-Cheers for Pre-K curriculum resource was acquired to support teachers' delivery of developmentally appropriate rigorous instruction to students; this curriculum resource is custom-designed to align with kindergarten readiness standards, and offers an opportunity for students to engage in developmentally appropriate learning experiences.

  • Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) is a research-based learning experience that is anchored in phonics-based instructional practices. Endorsed by the Missouri State Department of Education, this program strengthens the knowledge and skills necessary for early childhood educators to integrate critical early literacy concepts into their instructional pedagogy - such as phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

  • The Saint Louis Public Schools’ English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Bilingual Parent Library serves English Language Learner (ELL), immigrant, and refugee students and families enrolled in the SLPS ESOL Bilingual Migrant Program. Parents check out bilingual materials in seven different languages to read with their children at home.